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National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics Tallinn, Estonia.

Grantee of: Estonian Research Council through Grant PRG 1059

Language dynamics utilizes intricate models and tools from complex systems to elucidate the dynamics of language competition, evolution, and propagation. This is the focus of the project "Learning Processes in Language Dynamics", supported by the Estonian Research Council through Grant PRG 1059.


ICTP-SAIFR / Institute of Theoretical Physics – UNESP, Brazil.

Grantee of: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) Brasil.

Prof. Ricardo Martinez-Garcia group

We studied the effects of home range on critical habitat sizes and the public good dilemma for microbial populations under flows by representing individuals growing in a network and combining it with a reaction-advection-diffusion equation for the transport of public goods by the flow.


Ph.D. in Physics (2016 - 2020)

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio, RJ, Brazil

  • Title: Pattern formation in single species population dynamics

  • Advisor: Professor Celia Anteneodo

  • Description: Using the nonlocal Fisher-KPP equation as the model to describe the temporal evolution of the distribution of a single-species population, we study the role of the density-dependent feedback in population fragmentation.

M.Sc. in Physics (2014 - 2016)

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio, RJ, Brazil

  • Title: Effects of contact network randomness on multiple opinion dynamics

  • Advisor: Professor Celia Anteneodo

  • Description: We analyze the impact of network randomness on the final distribution of preferences that emerge in situations with multiple choices.

B.S. in Physics (2010 - 2013)

Universidade Federal Fluminense,

UFF, Niterói, Brazil

Scholarship: Universidad de Valladolid,

UVa, Valladolid, Spain

  • Title: Critical behavior in nonlinear optical systems

  • Advisor: Professor Kaled Dechoum

  • Description: Second-order phase transition study of two optical systems that display similarities with the magnetic critical behavior.

Conferences and courses attended


  • Cultural Data Analytics Conference - CUDAN, (December 13-16, 2023), Tallinn, Estonia.

            Oral presentation: Public good dilemma for a microbial population under the flow.

  • Conference on Complex Systems - CCS2023, (October 16-20, 2023), Salvador, Brazil.

            Oral presentation: Spreading of cultural traits in spatially embedded networks.

            Oral presentation: How movement bias to attractive regions determines population spread and critical habitat size.

  • XLIII Dynamics Days Europe (September 3-8, 2023), Naples, Italy.

            Oral presentation: Spreading of cultural traits in spatially embedded networks.

  • Lake Como School "Complex networks: theory, methods, and applications (7th ed.)" (May 22-26, 2023), Commo, Italy.


  •  Conference on Complex Systems - CCS2022, (October 17-21, 2022), Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

            Oral presentation: Public good dilemma for a microbial population under the flow.

            Poster presentation: Critical patch size reduction by heterogeneous diffusion.

  • Models in Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution - MPDEE, (June 13-17, 2022), Turin, Italy.

            Oral presentation: Public good dilemma for a microbial population under the flow.

  • Autumn Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Physics - EOSBF, 2022, São Paulo, Brazil.

            Oral presentation: Public good dilemma for a microbial population under the flow.


  • Brazilian meeting on statistical physics/ Encontro Nacional de Física Estatística (ENFE) (November 22-25, 2021), Online.

             Oral presentation: Public good dilemmas under the flow

  • Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology (June 13-17, 2021), Online.

  • Workshop on Limits to Diversity Assembly (January 19-21, 2021), Online.


  • XV International Seminar on Biomathematics (September 11-26, 2020), Online.

  • Society for Mathematical Biology 2020 Annual Meeting (August 17-20, 2020), Online

  • School on Community Ecology: from patterns to principles (ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP) 2020, São Paulo, Brazil.


  • IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics (StatPhys27) 2019, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

            Poster Presentation: Role of nonlinear growth and dispersal in population pattern formation.

  • Autumn Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Physics (EOSBF) 2019, Sergipe, Brazil.

            Poster Presentation: Role of nonlinear growth and dispersal in population pattern formation.


  • Autumn Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Physics (EOSBF) 2018, Paraná, Brazil.

            Poster Presentation: Self-organization in nonlinear population dynamics.

  • VII Southern-Summer School on Mathematical Biology, (ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP) 2018, São Paulo, Brazil.

  • School on Physics Applications in Biology, (ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP) 2018, São Paulo, Brazil.

  • V Workshop and School on Dynamics, Transport and Control in Complex Networks (V ComplexNet - INPE) 2018, São Paulo, Brazil. 

            Poster Presentation: Impact of network randomness on multiple opinion dynamics.


  • Brazilian Meeting on Statistical Physics / Encontro Nacional de Física Estatística (ENFE 17) 2017, Bahia, Brazil. 

            Poster Presentation: Effects of Contact Network Randomness on Multiple Opinion Dynamics.


  • Brazilian Meeting on Statistical Physics / Encontro Nacional de Física Estatística (ENFE 15) 2015, Espirito Santo, Brazil.

            Poster Presentation: Impact of the network structure on plurality rule opinion dynamics.

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